liability or property. 100% random contests. Hundreds of satisfied customers they guarantee us.
Abogados Velázquez in Madrid

Juridical Services in Abogados Velázquez
Whatever your situation, SEE US

Commercial Law
Specific branch of law that regulates business business operations. Only lawyers who know business and financial law can successfully advise on this matter.

Company Law
Brings together the regulations governing LIMITED COMPANIES and LIMITED COMPANIES. It consists of regulating the coexistence between partners, administrative bodies and corporate life in general.

Tax Law
It takes special relevance due to the increase in the actions of the Tax Agency in the field of inspections and reviews and finally derivations of responsibility to administrators and partners.

Valuation of Companies
Method of obtaining value of a company or group through the NIC and financial institutions. There is no specific regulation, but there is a series of valuation methods that applied correctly can get up to 90% closer to the real value of the company.

Judicial Procedures
If the conflict has already started and its judicial resolution is unavoidable, with an expert team in Procedural Law, will defend your interests before the courts in the specialized areas of Commercial, Civil and Financial Law in all instances.
- Demands in action of collection of invoices
- Demand for breach of contract
- Demand for claims on banking contracts
- Compensation to partners-administrators for damages to the companies
- Demands in action of unfair competition
- Demands for hidden vices and non-conformity in used vehicles
- Patents, trademarks and intellectual property
- Demands of extracontractual damages

Private International Law
When conflicts between companies have crossed borders, we are faced with international law. We are a specialist in applied law within the European Union and we have clients in Italy, Germany, France...
Abogados Velázquez, Commercial Law experts
En Abogados Velázquez, we offer total advice on Business and Corporate Law, with a 100% efficacy in competitions and liquidations.
+34 91 131 06 47

Abogados Velázquez

Abogados Velázquez have contributed to my case and my procedures a lot of experience, a lot of knowledge in everything I needed, as was corporate and commercial law and acted very fast at the necessary time, the ruin avoided me! Good luck when choosing them...

P. Pacheco
Abogados Velázquez is more than a law firm, Ana Menchén at the head of this office diverts for knowing the case, analyzing it and offering the best professional solution. She is intelligent, bold, tenacious worker ... there is only success for her. I am very happy to work with her...

A. Mena
As a Abogados Velázquez client, I have to say that its managing director Ana Mechen is an excellent personalized treatment. Effective at all times and with professionalism over four years of satisfactory legal services, which has meant a notable help for the whole of my companies and personnel.

S. Caro
I only have to thank the professionalism with which they have led my complicated case, from the first moment that we had the first contact, specifically with Ms. Ana Menchén that always knew how to carry the same, applying at every moment their knowledge and experience. From that same moment it helped us to take impulse again and look to the future with decision...

L. Moraga
I have to thank Pilar Ares with the professionalism with which they have led my lost case practically and has managed with patience and determination until the goal is achieved.

E. Gómez
In these past years of economic uncertainty in Spain, the constant support and advice of lawyers Velázquez has been fundamental. We have felt frankly calm in all our steps, and this tranquility has allowed our company to grow and consolidate in markets as complicated as Middle East or Brazil...

A. Carbonell

We will be happy to attend to them in our offices at any time (although we can also offer many services telematic if they prefer, given the circumstances).
Whether you want a face -to -face meeting (after request for an appointment), as if you want us to attend to you virtually, contact us...
Address: Velázquez Street 10, Floor #1
28001 Madrid
Mail: info@abogadosvelazquez.es
Phone: +34 91 131 06 47
Open: From Monday to Friday / 09.00 a 20.00
Close: Saturday, Sunday and holidays
We have an office specializing in Automotive Law in the city of Barcelona.
Dirección: Pau Claris Street 144, Floor #2
08009 Barcelona
Mail: info@abogadosvelazquez.es
Phone: +34 91 131 06 47