Abogados Velázquez in Madrid

Do you want to know what we can do for you?
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Juridical Services in Abogados Velázquez

We propose a wide range of services offering global coverage in all types of legal or fiscal needs.
Whatever your situation, SEE US
Servicios jurídicos - Valoración de empresas

Valuation of Companies

Method of obtaining value of a company or group through the NIC and financial institutions. There is no specific regulation, but there is a series of valuation methods that applied correctly can get up to 90% closer to the real value of the company.

Servicios Jurídicos - Derecho Internacional

Private International Law

When conflicts between companies have crossed borders, we are faced with international law. We are a specialist in applied law within the European Union and we have clients in Italy, Germany, France...

Legal services for companies

Abogados Velázquez, Commercial Law experts

En Abogados Velázquez, we offer total advice on Business and Corporate Law, with a 100% efficacy in competitions and liquidations.

Call us and we will solve your doubts

+34 91 131 06 47

Abogados Velázquez - Despacho de abogados en Madrid
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A great team of lawyers at your disposal
For us, professionalism is a degree, so we treasure more than 20 years of experience in legal advice and legal services.
Abogados Velázquez - Ana Menchén
Ana Menchén – Manager
Abogados Velázquez - María Villegas
María Villegas – Lawyer
Abogados Velázquez - Vanesa Borisoba
Vanesa Borislavova – Lawyer
Abogados Velázquez - Dimitru Mihai
Dumitru Mihai – Lawyer
Abogados Velázquez - Luca Pagnoni
Luca Pagnoni – Associate

Abogados Velázquez

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What do they say about us?
Years of experience
+ 0
Cases attended successfully
+ 0
Agreements reached
+ 0
Satisfied customers
+ 0
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Legal News
Because our sector in constant evolution and change, but also because our main service is to advise and inform our clients, we offer a selection of posts related to right and judicial issues.
We know the importance of offering personalized and professional advice, but above all that to help, we must speak.

We will be happy to attend to them in our offices at any time (although we can also offer many services telematic if they prefer, given the circumstances).

Whether you want a face -to -face meeting (after request for an appointment), as if you want us to attend to you virtually, contact us...

Address: Velázquez Street 10, Floor #1
28001 Madrid

Phone: +34 91 131 06 47

Open: From Monday to Friday / 09.00 a 20.00
Close: Saturday, Sunday and holidays

We have an office specializing in Automotive Law in the city of Barcelona.

Dirección: Pau Claris Street 144, Floor #2
08009 Barcelona

Phone: +34 91 131 06 47

If you live any situation that needs legal advice, do not hesitate until it is too late. We are here to solve your problems.

    Legal Notice and Privacy Policy.